Thursday, 6 December 2024
by July 2024


08:25 Registration
08:25 08:30 Welcome

Consensus Session I:
Classification and diagnosis of urticaria

08:30 08:50 Principle of consensus meetings and GRADE guidelines
08:50 09:20 Classification and diagnosis of urticaria in a nutshell
09:20 09:50 Coffee break
09:50 12:30 Presentation of guideline updates by the expert panel and discussion with the audience using the voting system
12:30 13:30 Lunch break

Consensus Session II:
Therapy of urticaria

13:30 14:00 The therapy of urticaria in a nutshell,
the international EAACI/GA²LEN/EuroGuiDerm/APAAACI guidelines from the consensus meeting 2020
14:00 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 17:30 Presentation of guideline updates by the expert panel and discussion with the audience using the voting system
17:30 End of Urticaria 2024